that day I suddenly remembered
crazed with all the energy
jumped from brick to brick
balanced on one leg
like karateka kung-fu master
flapping arms and kicking air
widely eyes squinted
as in a movie I just saw
a leg broke as I was bravely leaping
with eyes slightly squinched
I yelled into a sandy ditch
kyaaah with all the focus on my foot
pierced by a buried bucket’s brim
accidentally I was overtaken
by a forgotten sleeping bucket
glistening in the ditch
a thread of lightning struck a tree
as with a sword before my eyes
the treetop fell down another thread
hit me a little bit too late
with steaming coffee on the terrace
I bolted off the chair
and screaming aaaah I heard
a pop of breaking leg
when the chair fell I had remembered
the day I jumped waved and balanced
like a master in a recent movie
I screeched with squinted eyes
big teardrops fell into the ditch
the rain calmed down the aching tree
that day a bucket overcame me today
the lightning flash took down a chair
51×81,5×4 cm
acrylic, spray paint, graphite, markers, lacquer on wooden panel
2 cm white wooden frame
850.00€Add to cart